sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

Some Values

I can't understand how people complain about everything in this life. Sometimes they complain for complaining, for failing to do. There are people who claim to own the shade. Meanwhile, the world turns and gives her a barrage of events good and bad fall on us. Just look at the side and see that we are not alone, we have many similar, there are many people on this earth who has thought like ours.
Does everyone want the good of truth?
Or do most just want their own good?
It's more common to see people so selfish, who only cares about what concerns him.
Unfortunately this world, in most cases, is moved to the property. That makes the greed of men will develop, making them forget what is respect.
And what is it?
What is love?
Does anyone care?
It's so rare to see someone practicing "love"and "respect" when they see this done, we were afraid!

Pipo Sotero

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