domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011

Some Choices

There are two things we can do in this life: good and evil
There are two paths we can follow: The Right and Wrong.
Nothing prevents us from practicing it, nobody prevents us to choose which path to follow, it is our choice.
The achievements of such acts goes according to conscience and responsibility of each person, this person who is able to accept the consequences of certain causes.
Although there are people with similar ideologies and thoughts converged, there is absolutely nobody else in the world. There is no one free of flaws.
At each time the well is put into practice, and evil is used in equal measure. This constructs an equilibrium. Can be compared to a balance, two equal measures ...
But what's Good? What's Evil?
Everyone has their deductions and their certainties. Everyone has their beliefs of what's right or wrong, but does it really matter? Knowing what is right and wrong ...
We see so many people doing evil, and the impression is that people do it for pleasure, as if hurt really like everything around you. It seems to have no end ... I don't know what to say because there are so many thoughts that will converge to this point ...
And the good? Who practices it?
It is difficult ... To see someone doing good today is like seeing a shooting star ripping the heavens ... I see many charitable and who cares about others, but these people suffer a kind of censorship which they do not understand what the real reason.
But is it that the world is made of opposing minds, of conflicting ideas, of people selfish and hypocritical ... And is all this obfuscates the acts of good people!

Pipo Sotero

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